Production Assistant
- Разнорабочий
- 2024-12-02
- 14,00 - 15,50 /погодинно
- Повна зайнятість
- Рекомендовані
- Терміново
📍 Location: Nykobing Falster, Denmark
🏢 Company: Schur International A/S
💼 Type of employment: Full-time/part-time
💰 Salary: 15,50€ per hour (net) 120 Danish kroner
About the vacancy:
Join the Schur International A/S team and work as a production assistant! You will be involved in packaging and preparing products for shipment. This position is ideal for new employees - no experience required!
- 💼 Work on a shift schedule
- 🏠 Provided free accommodation in the company's dormitory
- 📚 The possibility of obtaining additional qualifications
Schur International A/S
Industrivej 2
4800 Nykøbing Falster, Denmark